Sansa is Sandisk's brand for the wide range of portable media players also known as MP3 players, digital audio players and so on. Such devices are usually smaller than the smallest mobile phones although they can store gigabytes of data inside or, in more convenient way, they can hold thousands of songs that could be played anytime you want in any desired order. You can copy all songs at once or any number of songs from your computer to your MP3 player or back from the player to the computer, you can even transfer music between computers, because your player acts just like any other external storage device in this case.
But it's not only about music. You can watch, store and transfer movies, photos, audio books and many other digital media with your portable media player.
If you are holding your hand on the pulse of consumer electronics, you probably heard of Apple's iPod series which is generating a lot of buzz nowadays. Well, in general, Sandisk Sansa is like iPod but packed with a load of additional features. Furthermore, Sansa range includes some really interesting models that Apple's have not.
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